INJURY UPDATE for March 2nd
Feb 23rd and 26th: I thought I would get my brace off this past week but no go. I was sure it was coming off. I had gotten my ROM to 90 degrees and was walking around all over the house without the brace and was really feeling good. Dr. O’Neil said he wanted to leave me in for 2 more weeks upping the ROM each week. Last week we set the brace to 40 degrees, this week (The week of March the 2nd) Jeremy my PT will set it at 60 degrees and next week at 90. Came over to Europa to train Saturday morning as usual and did the following workout: (Hips and Glutes)
· KB Swings x 15 super-setted with DB RDL’s x 10 4 rounds
· Band Slides 12 steps down and 12 back super-setted with cable hip extensions x 12 each side 4 rounds
· Short Arch leg extensions 3 x 15 then foam roll
· Direct AB work (exercises that I could do while keeping my right leg straight)
On a personal note, I miss the intensity of training Legs and getting that metabolic rate up on Saturday mornings. I should have stopped doing the explosive lifts a while back and actually thought about it not long ago but of course did not. It’s that spirit of competiveness that the Lord puts in all of us that kept me still wanting to do them even at 59 years of age!! I certainly can’t beat myself up over something like this—that’s for sure.