INJURY UPDATE for February 24th
Feb 16th and 19th: Got my knee to 70 degrees on the 16th and the 19th, still knee is ver5y stiff afterwards. On Saturday mornings --still going to the gym for Rehab on my own. A lot of abduction 100 reps and Cable Hip Extension 50 reps. Still able to do some direct abdominal work as long as I keep my leg straight. Glutes are really getting weak because of not being able to squat. I did some KB Swings and some RDL’s: Able to bend the knees at 30 degrees so able to do both the swings and RDL’s for the Glutes and the Hamstrings. 4 rounds of 15 reps with the swings and 10 reps with the RDL’s. First time my HS and glutes had been worked like that in a month!!